The representative students from each school held their first online meeting on the 13th of December, 2022, with the following agenda:
- Introductions (20 min): Each school (two students) had 5 minutes for a short introduction about themselves and their school or town.
- Production Ideas presentation (20 min): Each school presented its ideas about the production (3 minutes and 2 minutes for questions from the other students).
- Logos, slogan presentation (20 min): Each school presented its ideas about the logo and slogan of the company (3 minutes and 2 minutes for questions)
- Logo and slogan voting (20 min): Students voted for their desired logo and slogan.
- Closing the meeting (10 min): Students exchange contact info (Viber etc.) for better communication
The meeting proceeded as planned, and after the introductions, students presented their productions ideas:
- From the Experimental Primary School of Florina, students proposed to work on smart purses for medicine that will remind us of the time we have to take them
- From the Institut Escola Miquel Martí i Pol, In Lliçà d’Amunt, students proposed to work on creating fashion artifacts from old jeans, customized t-shirts, jean jewelry, and labels.
- From the 5th Primary School of Florina, students proposed to work on paintings from old clothes, shopping bags, ornaments, pencil cases, clothes for dolls, accessories, and other items from old clothes.
- From the Escola Sant Josep of Terrassa Spain ….
- From the Primary School of Ydrousa, students proposed to work on creating clothes with traditional looms from their villages
They also presented their ideas for logos of the common company, and the winner was the following logo from Escola Miquel Martí i Pol, In Lliçà d’Amunt.
As for the slogan of the company, the winner was “Reuse for a better use” From students of the 5th Primary School of Florina
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