A list of the projects we design and implement with schools around Europe!

  • Job shadowing exchanges between CHAIN and other schools in Europe

    Job shadowing exchanges between CHAIN and other schools in Europe

    Our consortium has signed agreements with various schools in Europe for job-shadowing exchanges that can benefit all participating schools according to their goals and objectives. Project activities

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  • Dream planet

    Dream planet

    Is establishing a new human colony on another planet possible? How difficult is this task, and how can we organize to achieve such an accomplishment? What lessons can we take from our life on Earth, and what are the limitations of the red planet? How will we build a new society in another world, and…

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  • Art remodeled

    Art remodeled

    This international cooperation project between Tampere University Teacher Training School and the Cultural Heritage Art and Innovation in Education (CHAIN) Consortium aims to provide opportunities for children to understand their cultural background and that of the partner country through the medium of art while adopting innovative technologies both for the process of creating and presenting…

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  • Practical STEAM

    Practical STEAM

    How can we apply STEAM methodology inside and outside the classroom in different meaningful contexts? This basic question drives this job-shadowing project between our consortium and two schools from Spain, CEIP Francisco Romero from Seville and CEIP Profesora Pilar Martínez Cruz from Huelva. Activities of the project

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  • Our Europe

    Our Europe

    The three schools of our consortium work together with two schools in Austria based on the project Europe in the class – Build international digital friendships. The project focuses on the common cultural heritage of European citizens, and it is addressed to students from 6-9 years old. The 3rd grade of the Experimental Primary School…

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  • Art is everywhere

    Art is everywhere

    In this project, we explore ways art exhibitions and outdoor activities can be utilized in educational methodology and practices using innovative technologies. We collaborate with Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 from Sępólno Krajeńskie in Poland. We have arranged two group-student mobilities, where we will implement specific teaching scenarios: Activities in Florina 26/9/2022 – 30/9/2022 The first…

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  • reFashion!


    Description Students from all participating schools create a virtual fashion company that will work in a sustainable way. They plan, design, and create fashion items using used clothes and other materials, utilizing technologies like 3D design, 3D printing, and microelectronics. The project will be hosted on the eTwinning platform and entail student group mobilities and…

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