In this activity, mixed student teams from our consortium and Sepolno Krajenskie had to navigate from the town center to a specific point in the peri-urban forest on the surrounding hills of Florina and complete several missions on their way.
Each team was provided with the device they designed and programmed in the morning workshop using Microbit, a map of the area and the route, and envelopes with instructions on what to do in each stop. All the teams started from the same point on the map with a time difference of 15 minutes. A teacher from our schools was assigned as helper to each team and his/her task was to make sure the students completed the tasks and not to intervene unless they had a major problem in navigating through the forest.
The tasks and clues that were given to each team were the following:
- Task 1 – The journey begins
- Please turn on your device so it will start counting.
- Write the temperature and vibrations.
- Start walking to find the bridge on the map – Number 2
- Task 2 – The Bridge
- Write the temperature, vibrations, and time.
- Take a selfie on the bridge with the whole team.
- Start walking to find the path on the map – Number 3
- Task 3 – Only the brave ones dare!
- Write the temperature, vibrations, and time.
- Are you brave enough to go on the path? Take a selfie on the start of the path looking really brave!
- Start walking until your reach the birthday tree – Number 4. Be careful! If you are not sure witch way to go on the path, use your compass. The right way is west and northwest at more than 110 degrees.
- Task 4 – Happy birthday tree!
- Write the temperature, vibrations, and time.
- Take a video of your team singing happy birthday to the tree! As loud as you can!
- Continue to reach the wooden house – number 5.
- Task 5 – Dance with the leaves
- Write the temperature, vibrations, and time.
- Collect at least 4 different type of leaves from the trees nearby.
- Bonus: Collect a few pink cyclamen flowers!
- In pairs you dance tango! Don’t forget to make a video!
- Continue to reach the Pine tree forest – number 6.
- Task 6 – Shoot the target!
- Write the temperature, vibrations, and time.
- Without leaving the path, try to hit the target on the tree! Use pine cones to shoot the target. You need at least four hits!
- Collect 2 pine cones. The prettiest you can find!
- Search in the trees for your secret envelope! You will need it later!
- Continue to reach the bench – number 7
- Task 7 – Almost there!
- Write the temperature, vibrations, and time.
- OK, you are almost there! The Chapel nearby is called Agia Kyriaki. Try to make the letters A and K with your bodies and take a photo!
- Continue to reach the chapel! You can use the compass if you are unsure which way to go. Go to the bench and point to the east at about 80-90 degrees.
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